February 17, 2018 | San Diego Family Photographer

As a photographer, I never stop trying to grow. I want to know anything and everything that has to do with photography. I want to challenge myself and focus even more on authentic moments in my personal and client work. There really isn't a better way to accomplish this without shooting regularly. Some choose to participate in daily or weekly shooting challenges, some pick a lens and use it in unconventional ways, and some pick a color/topic/genre and work it from every angle, but the constant is picking up the camera and shooting.

I choose to shoot my daily life - almost daily. It is important for me to work through my creative dry-spells (which are extremely depressing times for me) and I do this in a way that ultimately benefits me in multiple ways. When I get to the other side of a creative dry-spell, I am left with images of my girls I truly cherish and sharpened photography skills. So while the road isn't always easy, it's always worth it.

Anyway, I took a little look at this blog of mine and realized my last personal post was in August 2017. I can't say posting personal projects will be a regular thing (though I wish it could be), but I do want to start sharing more. For all you type-A personalities, sorry in advance. My personal work will not be shared chronologically. I will share what I want, when I feel like I want to. No rhyme or reason. Just when the mood strikes. Sorry 'bout it.

Today is February 17, 2018. We had a really great Saturday as a family. Seth made more progress on our home projects, I edited client sessions, and made time to take the girls to the park. Admittedly, I thought about postponing the trip until Golden Hour (aka the most beautiful light to photograph in), but quickly realized mid-day sun/hard light is something I could use work on. I still do. Lots. Here are some images from today. I hope you enjoy the view I had!

They just make my heart happy. <3
